When you are in your twenties, and hormones are boiling inside you, you try everything possible to pick up a girl. For girls, it is the best time for trying and improving their flirting skills. But when you are in your fifties and older, the same scheme of behavior does not work anymore.
Senior dating is something different. By this time, you almost always know what you want in a relationship. You are already wise, experienced, but, for some reason, you are lonely. This situation can bring you to dating sites for seniors, which are the perfect place for finding a partner if you cannot do it in real life.
Whether this kind of meeting people is new to you or you have tried it before, there are some common mistakes people make in their online dating.
Do not be negative or too serious
Statistically, it takes about eight seconds for a person to understand whether the dating profile is interesting for them or not. And this is what you should remember while writing your presentation text in the profile. It is better not to describe your entire life in it, just simply write who you are, what you like, and what you are searching. If you can add a joke to the text, it is even better.
But please, do not be boring, this is not your C.V. after all. Do not write the never-ending “I like this, I like that,” leave some information for personal chatting. And try to avoid negative information. Everyone understands that being single is not always fun, but it is not a reason to describe your worries and sad thoughts in your profile.
Complaining about your ex is also a bad idea, by the way. Try to switch your attention to more positive things. Describe your dreams, your ideas, your expectations. Be positive! We can bet you do not want your partner to be grumpy, so try to avoid this image as well!
Avoid typos and clichés in your text
It is absolutely not fun reading someone's profile full of grammar mistakes. It feels like it was written by a school kid or a person who does not care what the others may think about it.
If you know your English is not perfect, you had better write the text in Microsoft Word first, where all issues are automatically highlighted by the program. Correct the text and only after that cut it and paste it into your dating profile.
The same goes for the cliché sentences. If you do not want to look like a naive teenager, try to avoid all those “I want us to be together forever” or “I am looking for a person who can sparkle my heart and cure my aching soul.” For God's sake, quoting romance novels is not the best idea. It is better to write something less poetic but unique or/and funny instead.
Try to be clear about who you are and what you want
It is not a secret that people go on dating sites not only for searching their significant others but also for non-committal relationships. Whatever you are looking for, make sure people understand you correctly. If you are a lady, and you want a serious relationship, do not upload your photos in the bikini, even if you are proud of your perfect figure.
The same goes for men. You will not attract any nice women if your profile picture is you on the beach in tight swimming shorts or a snapshot from a bar where you were celebrating St. Patrick's Day.
It is also not the best idea to upload photos where you are standing in a huge expensive house if in real life you live in a modest apartment. It will make you more attractive only to scammers, not real partners.
Generally, try to be honest and positive while filling up your profile. And once you start chatting, open with some jokes or good news. The biggest problem on dating sites, and on senior dating sites as well, is to get the attention of the viewer. But once you get a reply, it is already up to you to charm the person on the other side of the screen. Usually, if you do not pretend to be someone else, if you are polite and positive, the chances to find a partner on senior dating sites are quite high!