There is a number of reasons why LGBT people might prefer to avoid meeting new friends or potential partners on the streets or simply outside their community. If so, a gay or lesbian website can be a safe and comfortable place for people to truly be themselves without any need for disguise or any danger of being misunderstood.
If you are a lesbian single, and you are looking for a partner, it is worth to look both on dating sites and in real life. The choice of the dating website is always up to you, but we would recommend you go to websites that offer LGBT online dating only. First, being alongside people who have similar interests may give you a certain measure of certainty and confidence, and second, on this kind of dating sites you can expect to find a great number of LGBT people, much more than on any average “straight-oriented” site.
When it comes to lesbian dating sites, there are several simple tips that can efficiently increase your popularity and make your chances to find a partner much higher.
First, carefully fill out your profile. Write a nice text about yourself, your interests and what you are looking for in your partner. There is no need to write poems or novels; it is best to be short and honest.
Then, do not forget to upload your photos. The better the quality of the photos, the more popular your profile can be. Choose a portrait photo rather than pictures where you are standing far away. Most of the dating sites do not accept nude pictures, so better not do it. You can later privately send them to a person you like.
You may also leave your profile “faceless” if you do not want to show yourself to others, but that can significantly decrease your chances to get other people on the website to reply to your messages.
Whatever you are looking for, you should be honest about it. You wouldn't want to be fooled or disappointed, so try not to let the other people down.
Another important thing is how to chat. In any case, chatting online is much easier than meeting people offline. Even if you are a shy lady, chatting gives you an opportunity to reveal your “inner self.”
You may start the conversation by saying simple “Hi! How are you?” But it would be much better if you add something personal to the message. You may refer to the description text in the profile (“You said you like pets, do you have one?”) or to one of the photos (“You look so great in the photo in the mountains, where it was taken?”), or you may simply say something about the weather.
If it is in your nature, you can always grasp the nettle, and start by asking the person for an offline date (“I am going to Arcade Fire concert next Friday, would you like to join?”).
Remember, you go to the dating site because you want to find another person. No need to talk only about literature or discuss your problems at work. Try to change the subject to more personal topics. Show that you are a passionate person, tell her about your expectations, ask her what is she looking for on this site.
And do not forget to say nice things to the other person. Just be honest about your thoughts. If you like her appearance, just say it to her directly. Stroke her sense of humor, say that it is a real pleasure talking to such a smart person, admire her beautiful eyes, ensure her that she is perfect in all possible ways. Even if you flatter, it is okay to do it on this kind of websites. Just try not to be overenthusiastic, let the other person say nice things to you in return.
Dating sites are here to help you find a partner, and with lesbian dating sites you will definitely do it much faster. Plus, apart from finding a partner, you may also meet some new friends, which is always good, too.